Here she is, folks. She's a centenarian, but she's new to us!
The past two weeks have been a blur. Like a rollercoaster, it's been up and down, but through it all there's been the feeling of exhilaration. Just to give you a taste of our first four days: We saw the place for the first time on a Sunday, took a second look on Tuesday, placed an offer on Wednesday, and by Thursday we were in escrow! Since then it's been rapid-fire phone calls back and forth with our realtor (who is awesome btw), a slew of inspections, much faxing of paperwork, and then of course the inevitable signing away of lives and life savings. Ramen, anyone? (Actually, on top of all this, both of us were doing the cleanse! Not the best timing on our part.)
Seriously tho, this thing called homeownership has been a long time in the making. A dream realized. The BF and I have been working toward this moment for YEARS. (Ok maybe not all our 13 years together, but a good portion of it!) It's funny, sometimes the rollcoaster will come to a sudden stop, and we'll look at each other and say, "Can you believe we're actually doing this?!?" (followed by screams). We get the keys next week! GAHH!
Congratulations! I'm excited for you! I think that people who had homeownership come easily to them don't get it. Just yesterday after we walked the dogs, Tim and I were coming up the driveway and I said, "I still can't beleive it's ours..." It's been 6 months and I still can't beleive it's all ours! I am so excited for you!
PS It's lovely!!!
So when's the big housewarming? *wink-wink*
Congratulations! It's a beautiful place. I love those old houses in the Bay Area.
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