I'm very lucky that the BF is handy. He can take my idea and actually make it happen. If this was the advertising world, I'd be the creative director who never got their hands dirty, and he'd be the lowly, sweating production grunt. I can say this bc in reality (in work life) I am the lowly, sweating production grunt. But luckily we're talking about home life...
A while ago we got a kitchen cart to house our small appliances and such. Now I just needed to free up some more cabinet space and find a new place for our wine glasses as well as a new place for the BF's cookbooks. Over the years, I have really grown to hate Ikea, so naturally we ended up there. One shelf cut in two + a couple of brackets + a bunch of holes in the wall = the After picture below.
Yes, I've started a couple fires in that toaster oven.
Now that the wine glasses had a fancy new pad, we couldn't just neglect the wine. They needed a new home, too, which (after the BF did a little hack job on the legs) fit rather nicely under the shelf in our pantry. Bye-bye, ugly boxes!!
Glug, glug. There's plenty of space in the new wine rack for a few more bottles.
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