Thursday, August 14, 2008

My etsy shop is open for bizness!

Yes! I am finally up on etsy. Ok, so I only have two items up, but I did it. It's a funny feeling, putting yourself out there. Exhilaration. Relief. Fear. Accomplishment.

For those who don't know, etsy is a great online venue to sell/buy handmade goods. There's even some vintage on there, but most items are handcrafted by the seller. You can even shop locally and support your fellow local artists. Trolling sucks up waaay too much of my work day, to be honest. Hopefully some jewelry-lovin' people out there will stumble upon my little shop. More items to come soon. Keep checking back!

Go to SugarCube Jewelry's etsy shop.


Izzy said...

Etsy! Super cool. Now people can buy your jewelry to go along with their Ren Fair wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

I love your stuff. Love it, love it, love it!