Saturday, April 5, 2008


For the past week, I've been out of commission with the flu. It all started Sunday when I felt like I was hit by a truck. Fevers, chills, hacking cough, body aches, oh my! Everything seems to take a Herculean amount of effort. I haven't been this sick EVER. And I even got a flu shot this year. Made me really wish I had one of these contraptions:

So I've been laid up in bed, missing work (Well, I wouldn't say I've been "missing" it, Bob.), and in general being a miserable slug. The worst is the cough, or the side effects of it. My rib cage feels completely sore on the inside and the muscles around it are sore, so every cough feels like someone is punching a bruise. Oh, the BF also noticed a funny symptom of this particular strain of flu: Whining. Ok I'll admit, I'm not the easiest patient to care for... Finally had the strength yesterday to go to the doctor, who didn't really do a whole lot but prescribe cough syrup with codeine. Nite nite!

1 comment:

Izzy said...

I was wondering why I didn't see you on AIM. Get better soon. I'm sure TP hats will become all the rage in SF if you start wearing one.