Thursday, March 20, 2008

Earrings for night owls

I just made these tonight. It's almost 1 a.m., and I don't know why the hell I'm still up. But I am so I thought I'd snap some quick pix and share. I went to a bead faire (yes, with an e!) this past weekend, and since then it's been beadle mania. I got some 20-gauge gold-fill wire to experiment with. That's what makes up the main teardrop shape here. The stones are amethyst and green aventurine. I'm into this loopy wire-wrapping nowadays. If I end up doing a whole series of these, I guess that's what designers might define as a "collection." The Loopy Collection? Hmm, there's gotta be a better name out there. Anyhow, I like the overall look of it, but man does it destroy my fingers. All this is in preparation for my upcoming jewelry show in May. More on that later. Maybe when I'm not so sleepy.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

I love the loopy earrings. Really pretty. Up until 1? You are way too crazy for my fuddy-duddy self.