Bright sunshine and blue skies might make for great people watching at Dolores Park, but warm weather is not fun for pigs. It was 85 degrees inside and with no fans and no breeze, the poor little creatures were in the hot seat. Here they are relaxing (on our new couch!) with some frozen water bottles. (Better pix of the couch to come...)
Last pic: That's Rusty cooling down his backside while he noses into a paper bag. Silly, smart, or just plain gross?
We've been keeping a close watch on Oliver lately. He still goes into the vet for monthly toothtrims for his malocclusion. He also seems to have chronic breathing problems/wheeziness, which are related to his teeth and the way he eats. Dr. Herman believes that he aspirates bits of food from time to time, causing bacteria to develop in his lungs. He's had several bouts with pneumonia and fluid in his chest over the past year because of it. He's on a new kind of antibiotic called doxycyclene, as well as a diuretic (furosemide) and an anti-wheezer (aminophylline) when/if he needs it. Dr. Herman thinks Olive is a bit of a mystery, but she's practicing good medicine on him and the BF and I are very attentive Food Guy and Pig Mom, respectively. Being a Pig Mom is hard work, and part of that means I worry about him all the time. He's just the sweetest, gentlest pig. And for the most part, he's happy, energetic, has a good appetite and loves spending time with Russ. Rusty continues to entertain us with his spunk and to amaze us as a butternut squash on legs. His last weigh-in: 1435 grams, which means he actually lost about 25 g! (For perspective, Oliver is a slim 1140 g.)