Monday, June 9, 2008

Show Time

Let's just get this out of the way first: Wow, I really suck at keeping a blog. A lot has happened in the last month. I'll be playing catch-up over the next few entries.

May 17-18: The jewelry show was a huge success. It took place at the BF's family residence where his mom also displayed her art work--she sold six paintings! And I sold about 20 pieces and got a couple of custom orders. The turn-out was pretty good and remained steady over both days. It was great to see so many familiar faces (and meet some new ones). Many thanks to the friends, family, and neighbors who stopped by on the hottest weekend in the history of the planet. I think we all know what it's like on the surface of the sun now. I really need to thank Isabelle and Greg Sr. for being great hosts and for providing such a beautiful venue, not to mention all the tasty eats and cold drinks! Thank you!! Below are a few pix of my jewelry at the show. The last pic is of a little work station I set up for some on-the-spot sizing and demonstrations.

We also finally launched the SugarCube web site ( And yes, there are typos in there, egad. I need to update that too. Sheesh, a blog and now a web site? How am I ever going to keep up?